Sex Memes 18 Funny Sex Memes

Looking for a good laugh? Check out these 18 side-splitting sex memes that will have you rolling on the floor with laughter! Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just enjoying the casual dating scene, these memes are sure to tickle your funny bone. From relatable scenarios to clever wordplay, these memes capture the hilarious moments of intimacy in a lighthearted way. So grab a friend and get ready to LOL at these rib-tickling memes! For more on the casual sex trend, check out this article to see how it's becoming more mainstream in Fort Wayne.

In today's digital age, memes have become an integral part of our daily lives, and that includes the world of dating and sex. Memes are a fun and lighthearted way to express our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and when it comes to sex, there are plenty of hilarious and relatable memes out there. Whether you're in a committed relationship or just casually dating, sex memes are a great way to add some humor and levity to the topic of sex. In this article, we'll take a look at 18 funny sex memes that are sure to make you laugh and maybe even blush a little.

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The Power of Sex Memes

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Memes have the power to bring people together and create a sense of community. When it comes to sex memes, they can help us feel less alone in our experiences and remind us that we're not the only ones navigating the often awkward and humorous world of sex. Whether it's a meme about the struggles of finding the right position or the funny things that happen during intimate moments, sex memes can help us laugh at ourselves and our experiences.

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The Importance of Humor in Sex

Sex can be a sensitive and intimate topic, but it's also important to remember that it can be fun and lighthearted as well. Incorporating humor into your sex life can help you and your partner feel more comfortable and relaxed, and it can even bring you closer together. Sharing a funny sex meme with your partner can be a great way to break the ice and start a conversation about your desires, preferences, and experiences in a playful and non-threatening way.

18 Funny Sex Memes

1. The struggle of finding the right position: We've all been there - trying to find the perfect position during sex can be a real struggle. This meme perfectly captures the frustration and hilarity of trying to get comfortable and find the right angle.

2. When you accidentally say something awkward during sex: Sometimes, our mouths have a mind of their own, and we end up saying something embarrassing during sex. This meme hilariously captures the moment when you realize you've made a slip of the tongue.

3. The joy of finding out your partner is into the same kinks as you: Discovering that your partner shares your kinks and desires can be a thrilling and validating experience. This meme perfectly captures the excitement of finding out you're on the same page in the bedroom.

4. When you're trying to be sexy, but it goes hilariously wrong: We've all tried to be seductive and ended up looking ridiculous instead. This meme humorously depicts the struggle of trying to be sexy and failing miserably.

5. The disappointment of a failed sext: Sending a sexy text can be a risky move, and sometimes it doesn't quite land the way you intended. This meme captures the disappointment of a failed sext and the awkwardness that follows.

6. When your partner surprises you with a new move in bed: Discovering that your partner has a new trick up their sleeve can be both exciting and unexpected. This meme humorously captures the surprise and delight of being introduced to something new in the bedroom.

7. The struggle of getting interrupted during sex: Whether it's a phone call, a knock on the door, or a pet jumping on the bed, getting interrupted during sex is never fun. This meme hilariously captures the frustration and annoyance of having your intimate moment cut short.

8. When you're trying to be quiet during sex but failing miserably: Keeping quiet during sex can be a real challenge, especially when things start to get intense. This meme humorously depicts the struggle of trying to be discreet and failing spectacularly.

9. The relief of finding out your partner is on the same page about using protection: Having a conversation about protection can be awkward, but it's an important one to have. This meme humorously captures the relief of finding out that your partner is on the same page about staying safe during sex.

10. When you're trying to be sexy, but end up laughing instead: Sometimes, trying to be sexy can lead to unexpected laughter and hilarity. This meme captures the joy of sharing a lighthearted and playful moment with your partner.

11. The struggle of getting dressed after sex: Putting your clothes back on after sex can be a real struggle, especially when you're feeling relaxed and content. This meme humorously depicts the awkwardness of trying to get dressed and composed after an intimate moment.

12. When you accidentally let out a weird noise during sex: Sometimes, our bodies make unexpected noises during sex, and it can be both embarrassing and funny. This meme captures the awkwardness and humor of accidentally letting out a weird noise in the heat of the moment.

13. The joy of discovering a new position that works for both of you: Finding a new position that works for both you and your partner can be a game-changer in the bedroom. This meme humorously captures the excitement and satisfaction of discovering a new way to pleasure each other.

14. When you're trying to initiate sex but end up getting rejected: Rejection can be a tough pill to swallow, especially when it comes to sex. This meme humorously depicts the disappointment of trying to initiate sex and getting turned down.

15. The awkwardness of making eye contact during sex: Eye contact during sex can be both intimate and awkward, and this meme humorously captures the discomfort and humor of locking eyes with your partner in the heat of the moment.

16. When you're trying to be sexy, but end up tripping over something: Trying to be sexy can lead to unexpected mishaps, and this meme humorously depicts the hilarity of trying to be seductive and ending up in a clumsy situation.

17. The relief of finding out that your partner is clean and STI-free: Having a conversation about sexual health can be nerve-wracking, but it's an important one to have. This meme humorously captures the relief of finding out that your partner is clean and STI-free.

18. The struggle of trying to keep the mood romantic and failing miserably: Keeping the mood romantic during sex can be a challenge, especially when unexpected things happen. This meme humorously captures the struggle of trying to maintain a romantic atmosphere and failing in a funny way.


Sex memes are a fun and lighthearted way to add some humor and levity to the topic of sex. Whether you're in a committed relationship or just casually dating, sex memes can help you laugh at yourself and your experiences and remind you that you're not alone in navigating the often awkward and humorous world of sex. So the next time you're looking to lighten the mood or add some playfulness to your sex life, consider sharing a funny sex meme with your partner and see where the laughter takes you.